Home Sale Assistance

We have the knowhow and expertise both the outgoing transferee and the RMCs/Corporate Client look for in selling a property in the Island. By taking care and having knowledge of all the process, from start to finish, we aim to accomplish the goal every outgoing transferee (and family) have, which is no other than selling the property in the best price and in the shortest time period as possible. We know that selling a property, moreover in challenging economic times, can be a stressful prospect for the transferee and his or her loved ones. Taking that into consideration, we will do our best, working closely with the transferee and RMC. We will prepare and submit a BMA, effectively market the property in both local and mainland websites, use other marketing strategies and promotion materials aimed at the type of property, held Open Houses, show the property to pre-qualified buyers, update both the transferee and the RMC in the marketing efforts and progress, assisting the transferee in negotiations, transfer utilities under our name once the buyout has been made, assist the third party buyer throughout the process and pay the agreed upon referral fee at closing day.

We know the language of relocation. We are familiar with all the homesale process and forms, including the BMA, Home Inspections, Appraisals, Sale Documents and Requirements, Title Company proceedings and more.    

In situations where an outgoing transferee is unable to sell his or her property due to an underwater mortgage, we will assist the transferee in applying for and getting a Short Sale approved (this option will not apply to every case, though). In cases where the outgoing transferee decides not to sell his or her property in the Island, we will assist the homeowner in finding a tenant.